Courses offered in the college
1. Bachelor of Education
Specializations/ Optionals
1.English Education
2. Malayalam Education
3. Mathematics Education
4. Physical Science Education
5. Natural Science Education
6. Social Science Education
2. Masters Degree in Education
Due weightage to all the above optional subjects
3. Ph.D. in Education
Research Centre in Education
Faculty List
The Innovative Ecosystem in Research and Development @ Mar Theophilus Training College
The college by virtue of its working environment and the opportunity generated during the contextual implementation of the revised teacher education curriculum; there exist ample avenues for a smooth generation of a multi-faced innovative ecosystem both for faculty members, students and alumni:
(1) Creative Research Based Classroom Learning Cum Human Resource Development Procedures (like Learning Outcome Grid, Personality Tree, Activity Wave Paradigm, Colour Coded Peer Review Wheel, Plus Concept Infused Charts, Mathematical Origami Pattern Designing and Exhibition, Online Team Based Peer Designed Criticism Sessions [ ] etc.)
(2) Planning and Refocusing of Institutional Environment (like Classroom Organogram by Each Optional Studios, Optional Studio Based Mission- Vision Statements Generations and Display, Prof. Mary Mathew Memorial Award for Best Lesson Templates Designers form the 3 rd Semester candidates of each optional Studios by Alumni Associations etc.)
(3) Capacity Building And Entrepreneurship Promotion of Graduates during and after the Programme (like Eduprunership Orientation Workshop, Proposal for Technology Environment Audit Team for Schools, Self-Learning Cum Assessment Portal for Student Teachers by Shafi Thompson a Master Scholar [],[ ] , Academic Partnership in Establishing/Managing of Innovative schools by Dr. Salini S., one of the faculty members at the M.Ed. [ ], Hope-An Academy For Learning Enhancement, Skill Enhancement and Behavioural Correction ( by Swapna A.G. an alumni etc.)
(4) Research and Outreach (like Contextual Improvisation of Delphi Card sorting by Viji V, Workshop on Feminist Pedagogy by Divya Pushpan, Creative Orientation on Transactional Analysis by Salini S, Objective vs Action Plan Paradigm in Research Design (Dr. Neena, Dr. Viji, Dr. Silpa P. V. and Dr. K.Y. Benedict ), Innovative Educational Taxonomy [TIC- Taxonomy of Ingenuity and Connectedness, [], Novel Nomenclature of Variable to Research Literature viz. Reference variable, Problem variables and outcome variable by Viji. V and Dr. K.Y.Benedict etc.